Fotofest Biennial “El Lado Oculto de la Luna” at TANK Space
February 25, 2024500añosdesilencio | El Lado Oculto de la Luna has been funded by the City of Houston and will be presented to coincide with FotoFest Biennial on March 12th at the TANK Space at Spring Street Studios, Sawyer Yards
Show dates: March 12th to May 11th with an opening reception + artist talk on March 15th from 6-8PM
500añosdesilencio | El Lado Oculto de la Luna (The Hidden Side of the Moon) by artist Karen Navarro presents a nuanced reflection on Indigenous identity in Argentina.
It is an exploration through installation and portraiture that makes use of modern technologies to weave, with a historical tinge, the concept of beauty and representation.
The first site-specific installation created by the artist consisting of a mural, braids made of synthetic hair and video mapping images.
The work considers the process of reclaiming one’s own indigenous heritage, the liminal space we inhabit, and the fluidity of cultural change that creates a transformation towards the future.